Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Essential Guide To Getting A Great Car Body Kit Certified To Make You A Great Chick Magnet

Due to the growth of the aftermarket tuning industry, factory body fitted body parts are becoming more available as a response to this growing market and manufacturers now have in house motor part divisions developing styling upgrades. These departments work to upgrade and fine tune their product using their product vehicle as a platform.

Vehicle enhancements like carbon fiber hood or an after market wing were originally made by other companies as add ons or cheaper alternatives to original parts a manufacturer does not offer. They designed body kit components designed to complement each other but some car owners do a mix and match approach where the front of the body kit is matched with a different rear design.

Why get a vehicle enhancement?

If you have been watching movies like The Fast and the Furious, Tokyo Drift, you’ll understand why a car body fit can give your car that extra push. These exterior car products improve the aerodynamics of your car better than its mass produced brother.

It is also known to improve the gas mileage and mile times of your car aside from the fact that it can make your car look really cool making it a certified chick magnet.

Many cite additional weight as a down side to getting these styling kits, but the truth of the matter is, most styling kits really don’t add weight at all.

And even if it did, it doesn’t make much of a difference as to actually affect the performance of the car. An Accord, for example, if replaced with fiberglass front and bumper/air dam, side skirt assembly could affect the weight of the car by 50 lbs. when you replace the factory urethane bumpers.

Kinds of car body kits

Car body kits come in three kinds: fiberglass, polyurethane and carbon fiber.

Fiber glass accessories like fiberglass trunk are the cheapest and most widely available aftermarket accessory in the market toady. It is light weight and easy to make. Despite its popularity, its down side is that, unlike polyurethane and carbon fiber, it is brittle and easily cracks upon impact.

Polyurethane accessories are a more resilient option than fiberglass. They then to be thicker, able to flex into place and can withstand an impact better than fiberglass. The down side to polyurethane is that it costs more than fiberglass and more difficult to come by. Highly popularized import tuners favor this material.

Carbon fiber body kits are also a popular performance upgrade. It is light and is normally the material of choice when the car owner is concerned with the speed and weight of his vehicle. - The place for you to change your car as you like. My car, My world! Car body kits, exterior car products, carbon fiber hood etc. parts are also available. For more information please visit:

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