The body of your car is made up of plastic, steel and fiberglass sometime. There are some advantages and disadvantages of each material and it is compulsory to care for all kind of body parts. Plastic is flexible, durable, and can be molded into complex shapes unlike steel. Steel is cheap and strong, but can rust when unprotected. Rust is the most common problem in all kind of automobiles body because the rust can work from inside of the body of the car and it's too late to show up once. Mostly rust proofing is applied while building the car and the new cars are built with very good rust proofing but the olds cars can rust easily. You can use the new full body kit for preventing the rust for your car.
Make sure you have a reputable shop do the repair work and insist on original equipment parts. The original parts are very important for the automobiles because the duplicate and cheap parts can be failed anytime and can harm other parts. Cheap import parts can put you and your family at risk. The car requires a good paint and coat of wax. The wax should have UV protection just like the sunscreen you use at the beach. The suns UV rays are your paints worst enemy. You should park your car in the shade whenever possible.
There is some prevention which can help you to protect your car and it will shine for a very long time. Rust proofing is an option but if the rust has already started just covering it will not stop it and the existing rust should be removed first. The first one is for protecting the paint of your car. You can wax your car and this will keep the car paint protected but the other sides of body cannot be protected through wax. The inside is often neglected on older cars. One should wash the underside of the car while washing the car and it is essential during winter for washing out the salt used to melt the ice on the roads.
One should make sure that all drain holes around the hood and trunk are clear. Because of these holes the water can exit and the trunk and the hood will remain safe of the rust. Also check your weather stripping around all openings for rips and tears. Water will sneak in where you least expect it and eventually rust away your car.
You should use the exterior body parts for the total prevention of rust because the new parts are specially designed for keeping the car rust free and safe. These car body kits can be purchased as full kits or separately. These parts are strong and can improve the beauty of the car such as carbon fiber hood, carbon fiber trunk, fiberglass hood, fiberglass trunk etc. - The place for you to change your car as you like. My car, My world! Car body kits, exterior car products, carbon fiber hood etc parts are also available. For more information please visit: